Pablo Picasso was born October 25, 1881 in Malaga, Spain. He started to draw when he was 8 years old. His father Jose Ruiz Blasco taught art lessons to him and encouraged his art. His family wanted him to become a successful painter. In 1897 he painted "Science and Charity" and his dad posed for the doctor in the painting. Picasso used his mom's original last name instead of Ruiz. Picasso went through many art periods which were his Blue period, Rose Period, Black Period, and the Cubism. Picasso worked with Georges Braque and they developed Analytical Cubism which was a style that was inspired by some other artist's art work. Picasso died on April 8, 1973.

Some of Pablo Picasso's pieces:

 Girl with Mandolin (1910)

 Picasso painted this in response to Braque’s suggestions on Cubism. This painting was painted when Picasso and Braque developed the Analytical Cubism.


 Still Life With Chair Caning (1912)

 This was painted to represent Synthetic Cubism. It has an actual object in the painting rather then adding paper to it like a simple collage.

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